
Surprise! Four Secret Comics by JM DeMatteis (DeMultiverse)

Created by Spellbound Comics

4 new comics co-created by artists Tom Mandrake, Shawn McManus, Matthew Dow Smith & David Baldeón. Superhero, fantasy, Western & more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

TGIF -- Thank God It's Funded!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 08:33:29 AM

Even the DeMultiverse's most powerful superhero is helpless in the face of a good deal!

Hello again Spellbinders!

Just popping in to say, thanks to all of you, we passed the $25K milestone in just 4 days! While there's still a fair distance we need to travel to ensure the DeMultiverse doesn't slip into heat death, drift apart, and have all its lingering matter gobbled up by black holes, this is a fantastic start, and we couldn't be happier!

Also worth mentioning, as Anyman himself realized above, this campaign is also offering T-shirts.

Love you some LAYLA?

Gotta get GODSEND?

Wishing for WISDOM?

Antsy for ANYMAN?

We've got them all, plus one for the DeMultiverse itself, featuring Liam Sharp's amazing cover! 

These shirts can be purchased separately, as part of a bundle, or as an add-on. Plus they're available in almost any size, and make great gifts. The only requirement is whoever the shirt is for must have a neck.


4 titles. 4 genres. 4 artists. 1 DeMultiverse.

"I wonder which backers will add a T-shirt."

Fully funded on Day 1!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 08:32:26 AM

Good morning, fellow Spellbinders! (Is that a thing now? I guess so!)

First off, a big THANK YOU for helping us reach our funding goal yesterday in about 6 hours. We couldn't have done it without you!

Second, that goal was intentionally set VERY low, just to ensure we got funded & to put everyone's minds at ease that this will be published, & you WILL get these books. But now the real work comes in...

We need this campaign to get MUCH higher in order for this project to break even, and to ensure one or more of these titles will continue past this campaign. The costs to produce four top quality books w/ experienced professionals handling every facet is about 4x where we're at now.

So if you could continue sharing, telling friends, buying copies as gifts--it's ALL appreciated. 

Thank you again for all you've done, and in advance for all you continue to do. Creating a new comic book universe requires a team, & all of you are important members of it.



Spellbound Comics